Our Journey

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I Do

Thank you Lord. Sungguh aku tak sangka cepat sungguh masa berlalu. A year ago, on this day my heart beat faster as I walked down the aisle.
Walaupun aku amat gembira dan teruja setelah sah menjadi isteri Mr. Hubby tapi pada masa yang sama aku merasa sangat sedih dan sebak sebab aku teringatkan my late father. Tiba-tiba I can't control myself. Aku masih ingat lagi, selesai jer our wedding matrimony, aku menangis semahu-mahunya. How I wish dia ada masa tu, mesti my late father happy when he saw me.
Oh! melalutlah pulak aku ni.
Well, hari ni aku nak share a little bit story about life after marriage ni. Actually, kadang-kadang tu aku rasa peliklah juga. Some people ni memang betul-betul prihatin penyibuk jugaklah. Dulu before kawin orang selalu tanya bila nak kawin, bila dah kawin, their favourite question is bila nak ada anak? Nampak sangat keprihatinan dia orang tu kan? haa..haa..haa..haaa.. Walaubagaimanapun yang tu memang aku tak boleh jawab, anak itu adalah rezeki yang Tuhan bagi. Bila tu? Hanya Tuhan jer yang tahu. Betul tak?
Apart from that question, ada jugak certain people asking me about how's my life without my husband. Ialah, namanya pun dah kahwin tapi hidup masih jugak macam orang bujang. hee..heee..heee.. Some of them, bila dah tanya aku that question, you know what will they say? "If I lah macam you ni, I tak bolehlah hidup without my husband. Apa gunanya kahwin tapi sorang kat sini sorang kat sini?"
Yer, aku tahu bila dah jadi isteri haruslah hidup dengan suamikan. Lagipun takkanlah sebab dah kahwin mesti berkepit dengan suamikan. Sekarang ni marriage is not about sex semata-mata. But for me marriage is about honesty, being loyal, trusting each other. Even ada jugak some married couple duduk serumah tapi still tak percaya each other betul tak? But for me, itu terpulanglah kepada masing-masing.
And masalahnya sekarang ni, aku kerja kat Bintulu, suami aku pulak kerja kat KL nun. I'm not being selfish tapi disebabkan rezeki aku kat Bintulu ni so aku rasa tak ada masalah bagi aku untuk hidup berjauhan. Lagipun hidup berjauhan ni mengajar aku erti kesabaran dan bila berjauhan ni, yang paling penting adalah kepercayaan. Bila takde kepercayaan memanglah susah. Your husband dont' trust you and you pun tak trust your husband, macam mana tu?
Lagipun, aku bersyukur sangat-sangat sebab murah rezeki aku kat Bintulu ni. Walaupun berjauhan, tapi sebulan sekali aku memang akan visiting Mr. Hubby kat KL. Sambil visiting sambil shopping. hee..hee..heee... Nasib baiklah MAS sekarang pun murahkan kan kan? And, we're going to celebrate our anniversary next month sebabnya only next month i'm able to fly. Nak fly bulan ni? Mampus aku asyik cuti jer setiap bulan. Sudahlah cuti last month, so oklah tu berehat bulan ni kan so next month cuti lagi. hee..heee..
Well, itu sajalah omelan saya hari ini.
Dear Mr. Hubby, Happy Anniversary. And I love you much much much.

4 busy body:

-f-l-o- said...

Bie, it's normal. Even as a normal couple, ones should never assume they should stick to each other everytime.

It's not that YOU chose to be apart from each other, it's how things work when both of you have jobs. Adat pasangan diatu. Kaban aku dua taun idup baka nya, udah seduai laki iya duduk sama baru bulih anak. No rush!

Happy Anniversary my dear cousin! God bless you both for a great life ahead together. :o)

bibie said...

thanks cousin.

Yup, you're right. but then,some people don't understand it. Educated konon tapi pemikiran agi jauh ketinggalan kebelakang. hee..hee..hee

Normally I just ignore them if they ask me those silly question. And for those saying they can't live apart from their husband, I just smile (evil's smile) haa..haa..haaa

Anonymous said...

Happy Aniversary my dearest friend Bibie.

I have to smile at your rants about other people being nosy. Yep! Been there and still. True my dear. What's important in a marriage is honesty and of course it comes with respect, understanding, and the list goes on. What important is that you love each other.

Don't worry about other people. Let them talk and just show your evil smile. I'm behind you. ;)


bibie said...

Jenn dear,

yes, don't worry about people. haa..haa..haaa