Our Journey

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday Blues

Hello. how's ur celebration for Mother's Day yesterday?

As for us, we just celebrate it in a simple way. I just orderd a cheese cake for my mom, my sister in law and my auntie. Since we just having dinner recently on my mom's birthday so she requested that we just celebrate mother's day at home. Besides, Damian still not feeling well kan.

By the way, ada funny story to share. It's about my cousin, Brandon. He's 9 years old. You know what he said while I was about to take out the cake from it's box? Kak Bie, dik enda tau celebrate Mother's Day. (Kak Bie, you can't celebrate mother's day yet). And I said why? You know what is his answer? Laban Kak Bie bedau bisi baby, kak Bie bedau nyadi mommy gik. (Because Kak Bie still don't have baby, U're not a mommy yet). My family laugh loud with his answer, especially my mom.

And I told Brandon, i'm not buying this for me. And I know i'm not yet a mom. I bought this for them I said. I wonder manalah budak sebesar tu tau benda macam ni. hee..hee.hee.. There is one time few months ago rasanya. I'm not feeling well so I took MC and went to the clinic. You know what Brandon said to his mom. "I know why Kak Bie not feeling well". And his mom pun asked why. And you know what is his answer, "Because Kak Bie ada baby".

You know his mom and my uncle memang gelak betul2 masa tu. And my uncle pun tanya, how do you know Kak Bie pregnant? His answer lagilah lawak, because I saw on the tv, when people get married they will have a baby. Aduh!!! my uncle lagilah gelak kuat.

When they reached home, my uncle told me about that story. Brandon Brandon. Kuat berimaginasi betullah budak tu. haa..haa...

Anyway, dah melalut lak aku.

The Classis Cheese Cake - Sedaplah.

As usual, Damian dari petang nak potong cake. He said it his mom's birthday. My auntie not in the picture, nak low profile katanya. haa..haa.haa

2 busy body:

Ms Sha said...

so sweet budak2....semakin pintar...

well sis.... u better dapat baby cepat...ihiks! :D

bibie said...

sometimes aku teringin, sometimes ya sik. Maybe i'm not ready yet kali. huhuhu